Applied Real Estate Analysis, Inc.
914 S. Wabash
Chicago, Illinois 60605

phone 312.461.9332

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Housing Program Research, Planning, and Design

AREA's 20-plus years of experience in the design and implementation of programs to finance and develop housing has ranged from initial planning to evaluation and monitoring.

Our day-to-day involvement in the private sector housing market provides us with hands-on knowledge of the most effective and efficient procedures for both development and rehabilitation of housing.

In the public sector, AREA works closely with officials at all levels to ensure that a program design meets housing needs and program goals and is consistent with federal and state regulations. We are especially well qualified to assess the position of public housing within the competitive rental market.

Our experts approach vacancy and marketability issues with a clear understanding of the challenges currently facing public housing in urban areas. Because of our broad experience, we are frequently asked to assist housing authorities with HOPE VI redevelopment efforts.

AREA also works with local government agencies to develop policies and implementation procedures to improve the physical condition of existing housing stock. We have helped cities develop effective programs to rehabilitate housing and to remove home health hazards, including lead-based paint.

Learn more about AREA's experience with...

Market-rate and affordable housing

Public housing

Home health hazards

site analysis 
economic impact 
community development 
AREA Rents™ 
land management 